
Monday, July 23, 2018

Visual programming for CONTROLLINO

Visuino is a visual graphical development environment for CONTROLLINO. It allows you to create complex industrial automation systems and IoT (Internet of Things) solutions, simply moving and connecting several graphic blocks. Visuino will automatically generate the necessary CONTROLLINO code. Visuino also has built-in visualization of Scope and Gauges data, which makes it easy to connect and monitor the data sent to CONTROLLINO.

Programming with Visuino is easy: select the components (modules) from the Components Panel, move them to the Visual Design Area, connect them and configure the properties using the Object Inspector. The overview provides easy navigation for large projects. Visuino includes a built-in Communication Terminal, Scope, Gauges and other visual tools for monitoring and displaying data sent to CONTROLLINO. After your project is ready, pressing one button, Visuino will create all the necessary codes for Arduino and open the Arduino IDE (the Arduino development environment), where you can compile and load the code into CONTROLLINO.

Visuino contains a large set of components for: Mathematical functions / Comparators - Analog, Digital, Date / Time and Color / Logic functions - OR, AND, Exclusive OR, NOT / Flip Flops - T, RS, D, JK / Switches) - Analog, Digital, Date / Time and Color / Generators - Clock, Pulse, Sine wave, Triangle wave, Rectangle, Random / Timers - periodic or single pulses / Counters - Up and Down and Directional / Motors - Stepper motors, Permanent current or Servo (Servo) / Displays - LCD display, 7 segment, touch screens, matrices, Smart Pixels and TV outlets / Sensors - Temperature, Pressure, Weights, Distances, Compass, Accelerometer, Corner Coders / Remote Controls - Servo or PS2 compatible (PS-power source) / PID- Controllers (Controllers) / Connections - Serial, RS 485, Wired and Wireless Wi-Fi Ethernet or GSM / and much more.

Once CONTROLLINO is programmed, Visuino offers an easy way to connect to it via the Serial Port, RS 485, Ethernet, Wi-Fi or GSM and monitoring multiple data channels in the Terminal, Scope or Visual Tools. Do not let programming (coding) stand in the way of obtaining the decisions you need to monitor the industrial process. Visuino will program for you!

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