
OctaneSDK Impinj R420 reader example in C#

Exported from Notepad++
////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////This project is example of work with Impinj R420 reader ///////////////The example provided as is, without any kind of warranty of any kind ///////////////Author: Dmitry Konnov: ////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.IO; using System.IO.Ports; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Timers; using System.Threading; using Impinj.OctaneSdk; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; /* "Antenna1 Tick: --", 1, 8 "Antenna2 Tick: --", 1, 9 "Antenna1 : --", 1, 10 "Antenna2 : --", 1, 11 "COM PORT : --", 1, 12 "MULTI-TAGS : ", 1, 13 "COM Tick : "1, 14 "MES BAGS : "1, 15 "INNOVA BAGS: ",1, 16 */ namespace ConsoleRfidReaderApp { public class PortChat { private static object LockingVar = new object(); private static object LockingCOMPortVar = new object(); private static System.Timers.Timer GlocalTimer; static bool _continue = true; static SerialPort _serialPort; // Create an instance of the ImpinjReader class. static ImpinjReader reader = new ImpinjReader(); static string G_lastTag = ""; static int GLastTagSeen = 0; static DateTime G_LastLocalTime;//Last time when last production tag seen static DateTime G_Antenna1LastLocalTime; static DateTime G_Antenna2LastLocalTime; static DateTime G_LastCOMPortTime = DateTime.Now; static FileStream fs_operations; static StreamWriter sw_operations; static FileStream fs_errors; static StreamWriter sw_errors; static FileStream fs_mulitags; static StreamWriter sw_mulitags; static FileStream fs_PrintedTags; static StreamWriter sw_PrintedTags; static string GLastComPortMessage = ""; static bool G_MultitagAlarm = false; static bool G_MultitagBlink = false; static bool G_ComPortBlink = false; static bool G_NoMajicTagAlarm1 = false; static bool G_NoMajicTagAlarm2 = false; static DateTime G_LastMajicTickTime1; //Last time when majic tag is seen static DateTime G_LastMajicTickTime2; //Last time when majic tag is seen static bool G_IgnoretagBlink = false; static string G_MesBagCount = "0"; static string G_InnovaBagCount = "0"; static string G_NoTagCount = "-"; const string GControlTag = "E00000000000000000000000";//Ignoring this tag. but need for Reader agility static List<string> G_MulitagList = new List<string>(); static List<string> G_PrintedTagList = new List<string>(); static List<string> G_IgnoreList; static int G_LastTagAntennaPortNumber = 0; static double G_LastTagRSSI = 0; static string G_HeartBtCount = "0"; static int G_getstatCounter = 0; static bool G_AutostopOnMultiTag = false; static bool G_CageIsBusy = false; public static string GetLocalIPAddress() { var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (var ip in host.AddressList) { if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { return ip.ToString(); } } throw new Exception("No network adapters with an IPv4 address in the system!"); } public static void Main() { try { Thread readThread = new Thread(Read); try { string app_location = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); if (!Directory.Exists(app_location + "\\logs")) Directory.CreateDirectory(app_location + "\\logs"); fs_operations = new FileStream(app_location + "\\logs\\operations.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); sw_operations = new StreamWriter(fs_operations); fs_operations.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); fs_errors = new FileStream(app_location + "\\logs\\errors.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); sw_errors = new StreamWriter(fs_errors); fs_errors.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); fs_mulitags = new FileStream(app_location + "\\logs\\mulitags.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); fs_mulitags.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); sw_mulitags = new StreamWriter(fs_mulitags); fs_PrintedTags = new FileStream(app_location + "\\logs\\printedtags.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); fs_PrintedTags.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); sw_PrintedTags = new StreamWriter(fs_PrintedTags); sw_PrintedTags.WriteLine("start"); sw_PrintedTags.Flush(); if (!File.Exists(app_location + "\\ignoretags.txt")) File.Create(app_location + "\\ignoretags.txt").Close(); var MyIni = new IniFile(); if (!MyIni.KeyExists("LastGoodTag")) { MyIni.Write("LastGoodTag", ""); MyIni.Write("Antenna1Tx", "25"); MyIni.Write("Antenna1Rx", "-50"); MyIni.Write("Antenna2Tx", "25"); MyIni.Write("Antenna2Rx", "-50"); MyIni.Write("AutostopOnMultiTag", "0"); } int Ant1Tx = 0; int Ant1Rx = 0; int Ant2Tx = 0; int Ant2Rx = 0; int.TryParse(MyIni.Read("Antenna1Tx"), out Ant1Tx); int.TryParse(MyIni.Read("Antenna1Rx"), out Ant1Rx); int.TryParse(MyIni.Read("Antenna2Tx"), out Ant2Tx); int.TryParse(MyIni.Read("Antenna2Rx"), out Ant2Rx); int AutostopOnMultiTag = 0; int.TryParse(MyIni.Read("AutostopOnMultiTag"), out AutostopOnMultiTag); G_AutostopOnMultiTag = AutostopOnMultiTag == 0; var a_listfile = File.ReadLines(app_location + "\\ignoretags.txt"); G_IgnoreList = new List<string>(a_listfile); StringComparer stringComparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; // Create a new SerialPort object with default settings. _serialPort = new SerialPort(); // Allow the user to set the appropriate properties. _serialPort.PortName = SetPortName("COM4"); _serialPort.BaudRate = 9600; _serialPort.Parity = Parity.None; _serialPort.DataBits = 8; _serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One; _serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None; // Set the read/write timeouts _serialPort.ReadTimeout = 500; _serialPort.WriteTimeout = 500; try { _serialPort.Open(); readThread.Start(); // Connect to the reader. // Pass in a reader hostname or IP address as a // command line argument when running the example string hostname = ""; reader.Connect(hostname); // Get the default settings // We'll use these as a starting point // and then modify the settings we're // interested in. Settings settings = reader.QueryDefaultSettings(); // Tell the reader to include the antenna number // in all tag reports. Other fields can be added // to the reports in the same way by setting the // appropriate Report.IncludeXXXXXXX property. settings.Report.IncludeAntennaPortNumber = true; settings.Report.IncludeLastSeenTime = true; settings.Report.IncludeSeenCount = true; // The reader can be set into various modes in which reader // dynamics are optimized for specific regions and environments. // The following mode, AutoSetDenseReader, monitors RF noise and interference and then automatically // and continuously optimizes the reader’s configuration settings.ReaderMode = ReaderMode.DenseReaderM4;// ReaderMode.AutoSetDenseReader; DenseReaderM4 settings.SearchMode = SearchMode.DualTarget; settings.Session = 2; // Enable antenna #1. Disable all others. settings.Antennas.DisableAll(); settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).IsEnabled = true; settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).IsEnabled = true; // Set the Transmit Power and // Receive Sensitivity to the maximum. //settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).MaxTxPower = true; //settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).MaxRxSensitivity = true; // You can also set them to specific values like this... settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).TxPowerInDbm = Ant1Tx;// 25;//32 settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).RxSensitivityInDbm = Ant1Rx;// - 65; //-70 settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).TxPowerInDbm = Ant2Tx;// 25;//32 settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).RxSensitivityInDbm = Ant2Rx;// - 65; //-70 settings.Report.IncludeSeenCount = true; settings.Report.IncludePeakRssi = true; // Apply the newly modified settings. reader.ApplySettings(settings); // Assign the TagsReported event handler. // This specifies which method to call // when tags reports are available. reader.TagsReported += OnTagsReported; // Start reading. reader.Start(); G_LastLocalTime = DateTime.Now; sw_operations.AutoFlush = true; sw_mulitags.AutoFlush = true; sw_errors.AutoFlush = true; sw_operations.WriteLine("Start reading at : {0}", G_LastLocalTime.ToLongTimeString()); sw_operations.Flush(); GlocalTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); GlocalTimer.Elapsed += OnTimerEvent; GlocalTimer.AutoReset = true; GlocalTimer.Enabled = true; Console.Clear(); WriteScreen("RFID example @", 1, 1, false); WriteScreen(string.Format("Antenna1 TxPower: {0}", settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).TxPowerInDbm), 1, 3, false); WriteScreen(string.Format("Antenna1 RxSensitivity: {0}", settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).RxSensitivityInDbm), 1, 4, false); WriteScreen(string.Format("Antenna2 TxPower: {0}", settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).TxPowerInDbm), 1, 5, false); WriteScreen(string.Format("Antenna2 RxSensitivity: {0}", settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).RxSensitivityInDbm), 1, 6, false); WriteScreen("Antenna1 : --", 1, 10, false); WriteScreen("Antenna2 : --", 1, 11, false); WriteScreen("COM PORT : --", 1, 12, false); WriteScreen("MULTI-TAGS : ", 1, 13, false); WriteScreen("COM Tick : ", 1, 14, false); WriteScreen("MES BAGS : ", 1, 15, false, true, ConsoleColor.Gray); WriteScreen("INNOVA BAGS: ", 1, 16, false, true, ConsoleColor.Gray); WriteScreen("NO TAG : ", 1, 17, false, true, ConsoleColor.Gray); WriteScreen("HEART BEAT : ", 1, 18, false, true, ConsoleColor.Gray); _serialPort.WriteLine(MyIni.Read("LastGoodTag")); _serialPort.WriteLine("Test");//if Com port works the message will return back } catch (OctaneSdkException ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("Main: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); // Handle Octane SDK errors. Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("Main: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", ex.Message); } while (true) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } // Stop reading. reader.Stop(); // Disconnect from the reader. reader.Disconnect(); } finally { sw_operations.Flush(); sw_errors.Flush(); sw_mulitags.Flush(); sw_PrintedTags.Flush(); readThread.Join(); _serialPort.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("Main: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); // Handle other .NET errors. Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", ex.Message); } } private static void OnTimerEvent(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { try { /* if (G_getstatCounter == 10) WriteCOMPort("MESCount"); if (G_getstatCounter == 20) WriteCOMPort("InnovaCount"); if (G_getstatCounter == 40) WriteCOMPort("NoTagCount"); if (G_getstatCounter == 60) { WriteCOMPort("HeartBtCount"); G_getstatCounter = 0; } G_getstatCounter++; */ if (G_MultitagAlarm) G_MultitagBlink = !G_MultitagBlink; WriteScreen(string.Format("MULTI-TAGS : {0}", G_MulitagList.Count), 1, 13, false, G_MultitagBlink, ConsoleColor.Red); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(G_LastLocalTime).TotalMilliseconds < 3000) { DisplayAntennaInfo(G_LastTagAntennaPortNumber, G_lastTag, G_LastTagRSSI); } else { DisplayAntennaInfo(1, ""); DisplayAntennaInfo(2, ""); } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(G_LastMajicTickTime1).TotalMilliseconds > 999) { G_NoMajicTagAlarm1 = true; DisplayAntennaTick(1, ConsoleColor.Red); } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(G_LastMajicTickTime2).TotalMilliseconds > 999) { G_NoMajicTagAlarm2 = true; DisplayAntennaTick(2, ConsoleColor.Red); } WriteScreen(string.Format("TAG SEEN : {0} ", GLastTagSeen), 1, 9, false); WriteScreen(string.Format("MES BAGS : {0} ", G_MesBagCount), 1, 15, false, true, ConsoleColor.Gray); WriteScreen(string.Format("INNOVA BAGS: {0} ", G_InnovaBagCount), 1, 16, false, true, ConsoleColor.Gray); WriteScreen(string.Format("NO TAG : {0} ", G_NoTagCount), 1, 17, false, true, ConsoleColor.Gray); WriteScreen(string.Format("HEART BEAT : {0} ", G_HeartBtCount), 1, 18, false, true, ConsoleColor.Gray); ConsoleColor a_colr = ConsoleColor.White; string a_rdstate = "ON"; if (G_CageIsBusy) { a_colr = ConsoleColor.Red; a_rdstate = "OFF"; } WriteScreen(string.Format("SCANNING : {0} ", a_rdstate), 1, 19, false, true, a_colr); GLastTagSeen = 0; G_IgnoretagBlink = !G_IgnoretagBlink; G_ComPortBlink = !G_ComPortBlink; ConsoleColor a_comcolor = ConsoleColor.Green; if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(G_LastCOMPortTime).TotalMilliseconds > 29000) WriteCOMPort("Test"); else if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(G_LastCOMPortTime).TotalMilliseconds > 30000) //alarm { sw_operations.WriteLineAsync(string.Format("{0} COM PORT not responding. Alarm!!! printing tags not possible", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())); a_comcolor = ConsoleColor.Red; } WriteScreen(string.Format("COM Tick : {0} ", G_LastCOMPortTime), 1, 14, false, G_ComPortBlink, a_comcolor); //dont give G_PrintedTagList grow in memory. if (G_PrintedTagList.Count > 3) G_PrintedTagList.RemoveAt(0); } catch(System.Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("OnTimerEvent: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); } } static void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report) { try { // This event handler is called asynchronously // when tag reports are available. // Loop through each tag in the report // and print the data. foreach (Tag tag in report) { string a_epc = tag.Epc.ToString(); //removing empty spaces, cos Innova will not print a_epc = a_epc.Replace(" ", ""); if (G_IgnoreList.IndexOf(a_epc) != -1) { return; } if (a_epc == "") return; //Ignoring GControlTag. This is about senvitivity of reader //&& ( G_LastLocalTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Milliseconds > 1000) if (GControlTag == a_epc) { DisplayAntennaTick(tag.AntennaPortNumber); return; } if (G_lastTag == a_epc) { GLastTagSeen++; return; } if (G_PrintedTagList.IndexOf(a_epc) != -1) { //sw_operations.WriteLineAsync(string.Format("{0} NOT PRINTING Tag (PrintedTagList) MES tag {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), a_epc)); return; } if (G_CageIsBusy) return; //we get here if new tag came //new and last tag seen in 0.5 interval double a_lastEventSec = DateTime.Now.Subtract(G_LastLocalTime).TotalSeconds; // if new tag appeared earlier than 5 sec from begining of prev. tag if (a_lastEventSec < 2)//&& (a_lastEventSec < 5) //(G_lastTag != "") && { if (G_MulitagList.IndexOf(a_epc) == -1) { G_MultitagAlarm = true; G_MulitagList.Add(a_epc); sw_mulitags.WriteLineAsync(string.Format("{0} {1} appeared in {2} sec", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), a_epc, a_lastEventSec)); } return; } //if (G_MulitagList.IndexOf(a_epc) != -1) // sw_operations.WriteAsync(string.Format("{0} Not printing multitag(MulitagList) detected MES tag {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), a_epc)); WriteCOMPort(a_epc); G_PrintedTagList.Add(a_epc);//first detected tag is believed to be printed sw_operations.WriteLineAsync(string.Format("{0} WriteCOM PORT {1} ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), a_epc)); G_LastLocalTime = DateTime.Now; G_lastTag = a_epc; G_LastTagAntennaPortNumber = tag.AntennaPortNumber; G_LastTagRSSI = tag.PeakRssiInDbm; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("OnTagsReported: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); } } protected static void DisplayAntennaTick(int p_AntennaNum, ConsoleColor p_Color = ConsoleColor.Green) { try { if (p_AntennaNum == 1) { G_NoMajicTagAlarm1 = false; // string.Format( {0} ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()) WriteScreen("Antenna1 :", 1, 10, false, G_IgnoretagBlink, p_Color); G_LastMajicTickTime1 = DateTime.Now; } else if (p_AntennaNum == 2) { G_NoMajicTagAlarm2 = false; WriteScreen("Antenna2 :", 1, 11, false, G_IgnoretagBlink, p_Color); G_LastMajicTickTime2 = DateTime.Now; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("DisplayAntennaTick: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); } } protected static void DisplayAntennaInfo(int p_AntennaNum, string p_TagId, double p_RSSI = 0) { try { int a_line = 9 + p_AntennaNum; //Ant 1 == line 10 string a_disp_str = string.Format(": {0} RSSI: {1}", p_TagId, p_RSSI); if (p_TagId == "") a_disp_str = ""; WriteScreen(a_disp_str.PadRight(100), 11, a_line); } catch (System.Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("DisplayAntennaInfo: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); } } public static void Read() { try { while (_continue) { try { string message = _serialPort.ReadLine(); message = message.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n",""); if (message.Length > 0) { //(message == "Tick") G_LastCOMPortTime = DateTime.Now; if (message.IndexOf("MESCount=") == 0) { G_MesBagCount = message.Remove(0, 9); } else if (message.IndexOf("InnovaCount=") == 0) { G_InnovaBagCount = message.Remove(0, 12); } else if (message.IndexOf("NoTagCount=") == 0) { G_NoTagCount = message.Remove(0, 11); } else if (message.IndexOf("HeartBtCount=") == 0) { G_HeartBtCount = message.Remove(0, 13); } else if (message.IndexOf("Receiving Box") > 0) { G_CageIsBusy = false; } else { if (message.Length < GLastComPortMessage.Length) message = message.PadRight(GLastComPortMessage.Length); if (message.IndexOf("PRINT_MES") > 0) { G_CageIsBusy = true; int p_FirstSpace = message.IndexOf(" "); string a_printed_tag = message; a_printed_tag = a_printed_tag.Remove(p_FirstSpace, a_printed_tag.Length - p_FirstSpace); if ((G_PrintedTagList.IndexOf(a_printed_tag) == -1) || (G_PrintedTagList.Count == 0)) { if ((a_printed_tag != "") && (a_printed_tag != "0")) { G_PrintedTagList.Add(a_printed_tag); sw_PrintedTags.WriteLine(a_printed_tag); sw_PrintedTags.Flush(); } } /*else { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("Tag {0} MES reported this tag printing more than once", a_printed_tag)); } */ /*if (G_MulitagList.Count > 0) { WriteCOMPort("Stop"); if (G_AutostopOnMultiTag) { G_MulitagList.Clear(); G_MultitagAlarm = false; WriteScreen(string.Format("MULTI-TAGS : Autostop at: {0} MultiTagCount = {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), G_MulitagList.Count), 1, 13); } }*/ } WriteScreen(string.Format(": {0}", message), 12, 12, false); sw_operations.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} : {2}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Now.Millisecond, message)); sw_operations.Flush(); GLastComPortMessage = message; } } } catch (TimeoutException ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} procedure Read.COM Port: TimeoutException: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("Read: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); } } private static void WriteCOMPort(string p_Message) { try { lock(LockingCOMPortVar) { _serialPort.WriteLine(p_Message); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("WriteCOMPort: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); } } // Display Port values and prompt user to enter a port. public static string SetPortName(string defaultPortName) { try { string portName; Console.WriteLine("Available Ports:"); foreach (string s in SerialPort.GetPortNames()) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", s); } Console.Write("Enter COM port number # (Default: {0}): ", defaultPortName); portName = Console.ReadLine(); if (portName == "" || !(portName.ToLower()).StartsWith("com")) { return defaultPortName; } return portName; } catch(System.Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("SetPortName: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); return ex.Message; } } protected static void WriteScreen(string s, int x, int y, bool p_doLog = false, bool p_UseColor = false, ConsoleColor p_Color = ConsoleColor.White) { try { lock (LockingVar) { if (p_UseColor) Console.ForegroundColor = p_Color; int OrigRow = Console.CursorTop; int origCol = Console.CursorLeft; int width = Console.WindowWidth; x = x % width; try { Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); Console.Write(s); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { } finally { try { Console.SetCursorPosition(OrigRow, origCol); Console.ResetColor(); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { } } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { sw_errors.WriteLine(string.Format("WriteScreen: {0}", ex.Message)); sw_errors.Flush(); } } } }

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